Tuesday 14 December 2010

The Rear View mirror: UFC 124

Xmas is all about getting surprises, so when we asked GSP for a KO this year and got a jouyous 5 round beating instead, we weren't disappointed. Slightly less surprising was that oh-so-familiar feeling of watching the guy(s) we picked to win getting bashed/tapped/humiliated. Ah well, over to 'Big' Stu Furay for a cheeky once-over of Saturday's action.

UFC 124 Expert(?) Analysis

So the trash talking is over, the punches have been thrown and the arguments have been settled. So what are the major talking points from 124 and what have we learnt?

- If you talk trash, you have to be able to back it up. Sean Mccorkle: EPIC FAIL!

- Koscheck: not only are you a second rate trash talker (“Dude, you’re a male nurse!”) you can’t fight very well either. GSP didn’t even break into a sweat!

- Rafael Natal, go back to what you’re good at: playing Tennis.

- Our very own Jimbo Slice is still crying salty tears of despair after Jim Miller derailed the Charles Oliveira hype train. Here’s a quick tip, when someone is trying to knee bar you, don’t just lie there! Try and stop them!

- After living off rice, beans and lentils, how Mac Danzig even has the strength to lift his hands up, let alone generate enough power to knock someone out is beyond me.

- But the real story of 124 was not GSP's pure awesomeness, or Koscheck’s hideous eye, but the amount of Gingers on display! Mark Bocek (Super Ginge), Pat Audinwood (Strawberry blonde?), Jim Miller (Ginger beard) and Matt Riddle (Ron Weasley stunt double?) all fought. Speaking of Ron Weasley, I watched the new Harry Potter film the other day, it’s a bit unrealistic if you ask me, I mean, a ginger kid with two friends?

We've learnt never to get our hopes up for another fighter ever again :( That and when you're screaming 'slay the man-giraffe' at the TV at around 5am, something has gone horribly wrong with your life.


1 comment:

  1. All this ginger talk scares the duke out of me! Great stuff!

    LOL @ Ron Weasley!
