Wednesday 27 April 2011

10 Reasons To Support Cage Warriors

As with every MMA event I've attended in this country, there's a checklist of things I expect when I attend:

- to be abused or threatened by the drunken cavemen (they tend to hunt in packs)
- to be the smallest person in the venue by a very long way (this includes the women)
- to feel completely out of place and question my love for the sport within the first few minutes of arriving
- that guilty sense of pleasure I get whenever enjoying watching MMA live

If all of the above are checked off then I know it's been a good night.

Last Sunday at Cage Warriors 41 at the hmv Forum in Kentish Town, the list was emphatically checked off and then checked again just for good measure. I guess I bring it on myself...

With the above in mind, I bring you my 10 Reason To Get Behind Cage Warriors:

2. The progress made between each event is blindingly obvious, from the production values to the fights themselves
3. Adam Edwards' phenomenal Baywatch theme walkout. We salute you, Sir.
4. They don't host at Time and Envy/Liquid and Chav/Stab and Envy
5. You might see Luc Lamude there in the near future...
6. An abundance of stools in between rounds
7. The promotion helps to further the careers of up and coming prospect fighters
9. Oh yeah, the fights. Them fights is good.
10. And I guess this only applies to the Brits, but you've got to support your own, haven't you?

We came, we saw, we loudly debated which fighter was sexiest as they walked by, we offended a red headed gentleman, we witnessed the burning canvas damage first hand (f*** you, James McSweeney*) and, despite a Baywatch inspired walkout not automatically being awarded the W, we loved every second of it.

With Cage Warriors 43 just announced I'll expect to see even more of you there. Maybe you can give me shit at the bar? :)

*It's a long story which resulted in receiving the following tweet from McSweeney himself:

@thephantomknee @jackstonemason y dont u do rub cream on his feet! Then bend over and let him take you aswell

Sexy stuff, James. We'll get the FlipCam...


  1. I waas there! And i'll be there for 43 to!

  2. you forgot reason 11...That MC's sexy red boots!
